AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
De online cursus AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals is geschikt voor iedereen die nog weinig tot geen kennis heeft van cloud technologieën en die meer over Microsoft Azure wil weten. Het is een goede voorbereiding voor andere Azure trainingen.
Leer alle basiskennis die je nodig hebt om de functionaliteiten van Microsoft Azure te kunnen beoordelen vanuit de rol als beheerder, ontwikkelaar of database beheerder.
De volgende onderwerpen voor wat betreft basiskennis komen aan bod:
- Cloud concepten
- Core Azure Services
- Beveiliging, privacy, naleving en vertrouwen
- Beheer van de Azure omgeving
Softwareontwikkelaar, Webontwikkelaar, Databasebeheerders.
Na succesvolle afronding van de online cursus AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals ben jij optimaal voorbereid op de AZ-900 examen. Ook ben je in staat om de meest gebruikte Azure services te creëren zoals Azure virtual Machines, Web Apps en Azure SQL Database.
Er is geen specifieke voorkennis vereist; echter adviseren wij wel dat je algemene IT- kennis of ervaring hebt.
Tijdens de online cursus AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals worden de volgende onderwerpen behandeld:
Cloud Computing
Discover how cloud computing differs from traditional on-premises computing and explore cloud models.
The Ecosystem
Discover how Microsoft Azure cloud services are made available to cloud customers and explore cloud management tools such as the portal, the CLI, and PowerShell.
Storage Components
Explore the variety of cloud storage solutions made available through Microsoft Azure including Disk Storage, Blob and File Storage, and Key Vault storage.
Network Components
Discover available Azure network features and components such as VNets, VPN connectivity, application gateways, and content delivery networks.
Virtual Machines
Discover how to deploy and manage Linux and Windows Azure virtual machines and how to work with cloud-hosted apps.
Database Solutions
Discover the differences between SQL and NoSQL Azure database offerings and explore how databases such as Azure SQL Database and CosmosDB are deployed.
Big Data Analytics
Discover how to use big data solutions such as Azure HDInsight, SQL Data Warehouse, and Azure Data Lake Analytics to collect, store, and analyze vast datasets.
IoT & AI
Explore the use of Azure IoT and AI solutions in the centralized collection and processing of IoT device data and how it provides value to an organization.
Azure Data Privacy
Data privacy rules vary around the world. Microsoft Azure adheres to numerous data security standards. This course also explores tools that aid in following security best practices.
Azure Network Security
Just like with on-premises networks, Azure virtual networks must be secured to protect resources deployed into those networks. This course covers VNets, Azure Firewall, the Key Vault, and other key Azure network security options.
Azure Security Services
Azure Active Directory is a cloud-based directory service in which technicians can create user and group accounts to control resource access through RBAC. This course will also cover Azure subscription management.
Monitoring the Azure Environment
Continuous Azure resource monitoring provides performance and security insights. This course also covers how to manage Azure costs.
Certificaat van deelname | ja |
Voortgangsbewaking | ja |
Geschikt voor mobiel | ja |
Studieadvies | Onze consultants zijn beschikbaar om je te voorzien van studieadvies. |
Studiemateriaal | Gecertificeerde docenten met uitgebreide kennis over de onderwerpen. |
Service | Service via telefoon of e-mail. |
17 uur
Beschikbare taal
Online toegang
6 maanden