Apple iOS 12 voor eindgebruikers
In de online (blended) cursus Apple iOS 12 voor eindgebruikers zal er ingegaan worden op mobiele besturingssysteem van Apple, iOS.
iOS is het populaire besturingssysteem van zowel de iPhone en de iPad.
Met de online (blended) cursus Apple iOS 12 voor eindgebruikers leer je de veelzijdigheid van dit besturingssysteem kennen en het doel is dat jij het besturingssysteem efficiƫnter kan inzetten voor jouw werkzaamheden en dagelijks gebruik.
Iedereen die efficiƫnter en slimmer wil leren werken met het besturingssysteem van Apple iOS 12.
Voor deelname aan de online (blended) cursus Apple iOS 12 is geen specifieke voorkennis nodig.
Tijdens de online (blended) cursus Apple iOS 12 worden de volgende onderdelen behandeld:
iOS 12: Setting Up & Using your iPad:
- Using the touch screen
- Getting to know the iOS 12 interface
- Using the virtual keyboard
- Configuring your virtual keyboard
- Customizing your iPad wallpaper
- Using the lock screen
- Configuring the lock screen
- Using Widgets
- Use of the Control Center
- Using the Dock
- Managing your files
- Viewing your notifications
- Managing your notifications
- Activating Do Not Disturb
- Configuring Do Not Disturb
iOS 12: Using the iPad Notes & Calendar Tools:
- Creating a note
- Creating a handwritten note
- Formatting a note
- Illustrating your notes
- Creating a table
- Collaborating on notes
- Scanning a document
- Creating a voice memo
- Using the Calendar application
- Adding or editing an event in your calendar
- Managing calendars
- Using the Reminders application
- Using the Clock app
- Setting up the Bedtime function
iOS 12: Using Safari for iPad:
- Accessing & browsing a website
- Browsing multiple websites
- Saving a website
- Configuring Safari
- Managing your passwords
iOS 12: Using the iPad Camera & Photo Tools:
- Using the iPad camera
- Using the advanced camera featuresUse of the Photos app
- Editing photos & videos
- Marking up a photo
- Using albums
- Creating albums
- Creating a slideshow
- Using & sharing photos
iOS 12: Using the Maps Application:
- Using MapsCreating & following directions
- Saving addresses in Maps
- Changing the settings in Maps
iOS 12: Using iOS for iPhone:
- Using the new interface for iPhone
- Using the 3D touch feature
- Sending a message
- Using QuickType
- Using the advanced messaging features
- Use of applications in messages
- Sending multimedia messages
- Managing your messages
- Accessing the Weather application
- Configuring the Health application
- Configuring the SOS feature
- Using the iPhone camera
- Making a call
- Managing your phone settings
- Improving battery life
- Tethering your devices
iOS 12: Using iOS for iPad Pro:
- Multitasking on an iPad Pro
- Annotating with an Apple pencil
- Scanning & signing a document
- Creating Notes with the Apple Pencil
- Using the Smart Keyboard
iOS 12: Listening to Music & Podcasts on your iPad:
- Browsing your music
- Listening to music
- Organizing your music
- Configuring your music settings
- Using the Podcasts app
- Finding & playing podcasts
- Managing your Podcasts
iOS 12: Finding & Sharing Information With Your iPad:
- Searching for items in iOS 12
- Searching within apps
- Using Siri
- Using Siri alongside other apps
- Configuring Siri
- Setting up Screen Time
- Using Screen Time
- Using the News app
- Use of the Measure app
- Sharing files via AirDrop
iOS 12: Creating Shortcuts & Flows:
- Using suggested shortcuts with Siri
- Using the Shortcuts app
- Installing a shortcut from the gallery
- Creating custom shortcuts
- Using shortcuts more efficiently
- Managing your shortcuts
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